Amalgam Removal
At Clear Fork Dental we are proud to say that we remove Amalgam (mercury) fillings. We follow the safety protocol put in place by the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology).
If you would like more information we recommend visiting the IAOMT website by clicking Here
Here is a brief rationale of why it is important.
Amalgam, the gray metal fillings, consist of approximately 50% mercury and 50% metal filings made up of copper, tin, silver and zinc. Mercury is volatilized from the fillings when stimulated by chewing (friction), heat (food or drink) or acid (lemon, peppers, soda, caffeinated drinks). This mercury is inhaled and absorbed into the body.
Amalgam is a neurotoxin and is one of the deadliest poisons. There is not enough mercury released from amalgam fillings to kill anyone who is not actually “allergic” to mercury, but it is certainly a suppressant to the immune system. Mercury is also cumulative since, as a “heavy metal” it is difficult to excrete. Mercury has been implicated in Alzheimer Disease, lung disease, brain damage, kidney damage, damage to the central nervous system, poor mental function and seizures. It is also known to induce inflammation and autoimmunity (immune responses against our own healthy cells and tissues).
Safe removal is basically minimizing the exposure to the patient and the clinicians of mercury vapor from the amalgam filling during its removal. This is accomplished by covering exposed portions of the body, circumferential suction in the mouth or using a barrier to protect against swallowing and covering the nose (protecting the breathing orifices) while meanwhile administering medical grade oxygen.
Removal technique includes cutting around the filling to break it loose from the tooth in chunks rather than grinding out the filling and dispersing fine bits of filling and vapor into the air.
Additionally, special air filters are spaced throughout the office to decontaminate other microbes and toxins along with mercury vapors.
We replace the fillings with composite fillings which are comprised of synthetic quartz particles in a resin matrix. Composite resin ranges in consistency from flowable to a hard paste and choice of its use depends upon the placement in the tooth and which tooth it is in the dental arch. The material is placed in the tooth and sculpted to match the missing part of the tooth. Composite filling material is designed to set up and harden by light activation.